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We love video— watching them and making them. And there are so many good ones related to gardens, gardening and cooking that you can ferret out on YouTube & Vimeo.


But you can save you a lot of time by just going to:


A true food hero!

       Book Recommendations

​We're avid readers and collectors of books, particularly gardening and cook books. Obviously. Click on.

  Landscape Management Plan

Our Landscape Management Plan contains some very detailed & practical information about how to choose, plant and care for the trees, shrubs and flowers that coexist with and complement your vegetable garden.

Although not directly related to vegetable growing, the document does include a detailed planting plan for a fragrant insect garden whose proximity could benefit your veggies. In our view, organic management principles apply to trees, shrubs & flowers just as much as they do to vegetables 

Click on the link below to download our LMP.


W​​​​​​​​​​​e obviously don't know everything about gardening & cooking.

We just do what works for us, and we're constantly trying new things

and listening to other gardeners' stories, tips, advice & gripes.

We're avid readers and researchers and scope out a variety of media sources in search of accurate information about growing, preparing & cooking good food.

So here are some resources we hope you enjoy & find practical.

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Grow Your Own Healthy Meals
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